Artwork Guidelines
1. What file formats are accepted when sending artwork? All artwork must be provided in one of the following 3 file formats; EPS, AI or vector PDF. If sending your artwork in .AI (Adobe Illustrator), then please have the artwork saved so that it may be opened with version CS3 or earlier. Note: All artwork must be vector based art.
2. What does "Print Ready" mean?In simple terms, "Print Ready" refers to the fact that the artwork file is ready to go to print without any modifications required, apart from simple resizing to fit the print area. We require that all artwork provided to be "Print Ready" as we do not staff or maintain a graphics department.
3. Must the artwork I provide be vector based artwork?Yes, all artwork must be generated as vector based artwork.
4. What is vector based artwork?Vector graphics are made up of mathematically defined lines and curves called vectors. Vector graphics are resolution-independent; that is, they can be scaled to any size and printed at any resolution without losing detail or clarity, making it fit for precision printing. Zooming in on vector art will reveal no loss of curve/edge quality because the graphic is not based on a finite number of squares on a grid. File types include: .eps, .ai, .pdf, and others.
5. Fonts have been used in part of the artwork, what do I do?When fonts are used as part of the artwork, you must always convert the fonts to curves prior to sending us your artwork file. If the fonts are not converted to curves, prior to sending your artwork, the font(s) will not display properly when viewed on another computer which may not have the same fonts installed as the computer used when creating your artwork. Converting fonts to curves makes the artwork font independent and will appear the same on all computers.
6. What if I don't have the PMS colors used in the logo?In many cases we are not provided the PMS colors for the colors used in the supplied artwork. In these circumstances we ask our printer to match the colors as closely as possible to what is shown in the supplied artwork.
7. If engraving or debossing, what color do I provide the artwork?The supplied artwork must be entirely in black. This will also give you a better idea of how your logo will look engraved or debossed. Note: Some logos consisting of several colors or of fine detail are not suitable for engraving or debossing. Overlapping colors which are then converted into black may change the look of the artwork considerably. For this reason, please have your artwork converted into black to determine if engraving or debossing is appropriate.
8. Is your PMS Pantone color matching 100% precise?Due to the nature of printing on different substrates and finishes, the PMS color matching can never be a 100% match. That said, the PMS match will be very close, within a shade or 2 of variance.
9. How many colors can you print?In regards to pad printing, we can print up to 4 spot colors. If more colors are required to be printed, such as a picture, then 4 color processing may be an option.
10. Is the printed logo durable and long lasting?We use special inks that bond extremely well to the surfaces we print. Under normal use you can expect the logo to endure for years. That said, often our drives are attached to key chains and under these circumstances, when metal rubs against a printed surface, the lifespan of the printed logo is substantially reduced. If this is a concern then perhaps consider the option of either engraving or CMYK dooming.
11. Will you be providing a digital mock-up for approval?Yes. All orders will receive a digital mock-up for your client's approval within 24 hours of your order being received. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure every detail on the proof is accurate. It is the details on this proof that will be put into production so once the proof is approved and the order is in production, corrections will be at the cost to the client.Note: The first digital mock-up is FREE of charge. Subsequent mock-ups due to artwork changes will be charged $25.00/net.
12. Can you make changes and modifications to the Artwork?No. Unfortunately we do not maintain or staff a graphics department.